Students » Student Attendance

Student Attendance


If your child cannot attend school for any reason, please call the office and notify the school of the reason for your child’s absence. If you have not already notified the main office, you must send a note of explanation to your child’s teacher on the day your child returns to school. Any student absent from school without a valid excuse for three full days in one school year is considered truant. 

If your child is absent for more than five days due to illness, a doctor’s note is required at the time of your child’s return to school. LAUSD policy requires that all student absences be accounted for.


The instructional day begins at 8:15 AM. If your child is late, you and your child must enter through the school’s main office and obtain a Tardy Slip.  Please note that three unexcused tardies over 30 minutes are equivalent to one absence.
If your child is late due to a medical, dental, or court appointment, this will be considered an excused tardy. However, please make every effort to schedule your child’s medical, dental, and other appointments outside of regular school hours so that your child will receive maximum instruction time.


Please make every effort to schedule your child’s medical, dental, and other appointments outside of regular school hours. When you must take your child out of school for an appointment or any other reason, enter through the school’s main office to sign for your child. For the safety of our students, LAUSD policy requires that we ask for the identification of the adult picking up a child before releasing the child during school hours. If anyone other than the parent picks up the child, her/his name MUST be on the emergency card with release authorization.